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Uniform rectilinear motion

Uniform rectilinear motion The movement is relative The movement of a body, seen by an observer, depends on the reference frame in which the observer is situated. Source: https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.e77fbd76f41c851355c4417b3653c06e?rik=kb076FHHKTn9uQ&riu=http%3a%2f%2fprofademir.no.comunidades.net%2fimagens%2ftraj.gif&ehk=cz0F%2bfhrQcrCGDUQKSOFBZOfiEy%2fpSqtN6v6UbV8%2b7g%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0 An observer B, in a train (which moves on the tracks), and the observer A, stationary on the Earth. For observer A, observer B is in motion, along with the train. However, from the point of view of observer B, observer A is moving in the opposite direction to the movement of the train on Earth. Uniform rectilinear motion Distance, speed and time When a body moves with constant velocity along a rectilinear path, we say that its motion is uniform rectilinear. The word "uniform" indicates that the velocity value remains constant. We can find the distance traveled by an
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Fungi With bacteria, they are important decomposers, as they feed on organic substances from dead leaves, corpses and waste, contributing to the recycling of matter. Although many species of fungi are parasites of plants and animals, others maintain ecological relationships of the mutualism type, that is, relationships in which there is an exchange of benefits between different species. General features Fungi are eukaryotes and, although there are unicellular forms, such as yeast, most are formed by a tangle of filaments, the hyphae, whose set is called mycelium. The cell wall is formed by chitin, a nitrogenous polysaccharide that also appears in the skeleton of arthropods; in some cases, there is also cellulose. Some fungi also have reproductive structures, the fruiting or fruiting bodies, which correspond to the visible part above the ground, called the mushroom. Nutrition and breathing Nutrition is heterotrophic by absorbing simple organic molecules, which may come from extracorpore


 Sphere Source: https://s1.static.brasilescola.uol.com.br/be/conteudo/images/potencial-no-interior-uma-esfera-eletrizada-5515a9675440a.jpg Let a point in space and r be a positive real number. The set of all points whose distance from O is less than or equal to r is called a sphere with center O and radius r. The spherical surface with center O and radius r is the set of points whose distance from point O is equal to r. We can imagine a spherical surface as the "shell" of a sphere, but a shell without thickness. Sphere volume Source: https://static.preparaenem.com/2021/06/esfera-centro-raio.jpg The volume of a sphere of radius r is given by: Sphere surface area: Source: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRjpkATG9xgRAD2gH3NCncB8GQ2V_f7Wsm3mb3u0UUtUevH9rp7KfvWEpPOs3hieRBxAsM&usqp=CAU References: CHAVANTE, Eduardo; PRESTES, Diego. Mathematics 2. First Edition. São Paulo: Quadrant, 2016.

Cold War

 Cold War The consolidation of the cold war The United States and the Soviet Union ended World War II as allies. Their joint action against the Axis was decisive in ridding Europe of the Nazi presence. The clearest reason for the breakup was ideological. Capitalism and socialism, incompatible in their way of understanding different spheres of human life, from the role of the State to the priority rights of citizens, led to disagreement between the United States and the Soviet Union regarding the purposes of the political order and the methods of acting within it. Without constituting a homogeneous period, due to the aggravation of tensions followed by the distension between the rival poles, the Cold War lasted almost half a century, until the breakup of the Soviet Union, in 1991. With the aim of fighting communism and Soviet influence, Secretary of State George Marshall launched the Marshall Plan, an investment and economic recovery program for European countries in crisis after the wa

French Revolution

 French Revolution The French Revolution can be considered, for the political world, what the Industrial Revolution was for the economy. In other words, one could no longer understand politics from then on without the references of the French Revolution. With the French Revolution, the social, political and economic barriers to capitalism were decisively weakened. In addition, there was a significant demographic growth in France, which required a corresponding economic development. Instead, low agricultural production resulting from feudal impediments to productivity, exacerbated by droughts and floods, caused the price of wheat to rise sharply, and even bread became an almost prohibitive item for the low-income population, spreading misery and famine in French territory. The economic rise of the bourgeoisie came up against the regulations, prohibitions and taxation dictated by the absolute state. Thus, it was imperative to eliminate mercantilist practices so that there could be the ec

The roman civilization

 The roman civilization Monarchy (founding of Rome to the 6th century BC) Rome was born from a small village in the fertile lands of Lazio, center of the Italian peninsula, receiving influence from several Indo-European peoples who settled in the region since the 10th century BC, such as the Latin Falisci and Sabines. The monarchic period, which comprises the rule of the last three kings (Tarquinius the Elder; Servius Tullius; and Tarquinius the Superb), refers to the period of Etruscan domination, and there are historical records of its existence. During this period, Rome had an essentially agricultural economy. From a social point of view, the Roman elite was formed by the patricians, large landowners who constituted an aristocracy with political and religious privileges. Below them were the commoners, free men who had no political rights and were therefore marginalized. In the lowest social situation were the slaves, indebted or defeated in wars, considered simple instruments of wor

Mendel's Laws

Mendel's Laws Mendel's first experiments One of the reasons for Mendel's success was the material chosen for his research: the pea of the species Pisum sativum. This vegetable has a number of advantages: It is easy to grow. It produces many seeds and, consequently, a large number of offspring. The flower is hermaphrodite and reproduces by self-fertilization. Cross-fertilization can be achieved by making a flower cross with another flower on another pea plant. In addition to these advantages, the pea has a number of simple and contrasting characteristics: The seed color is yellow or green, with no intermediate shades. The seed shape is smooth or wrinkled. Either the plant was too tall or too short. The fact that Mendel analyzed one characteristic at a time, without worrying about the others, contributed to the success of his research. The first crosses In one of the experiments, he tried to cross yellow-seeded plants with green-seeded plants. Before, however, he tried to sel