Uniform rectilinear motion The movement is relative The movement of a body, seen by an observer, depends on the reference frame in which the observer is situated. Source: https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.e77fbd76f41c851355c4417b3653c06e?rik=kb076FHHKTn9uQ&riu=http%3a%2f%2fprofademir.no.comunidades.net%2fimagens%2ftraj.gif&ehk=cz0F%2bfhrQcrCGDUQKSOFBZOfiEy%2fpSqtN6v6UbV8%2b7g%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0 An observer B, in a train (which moves on the tracks), and the observer A, stationary on the Earth. For observer A, observer B is in motion, along with the train. However, from the point of view of observer B, observer A is moving in the opposite direction to the movement of the train on Earth. Uniform rectilinear motion Distance, speed and time When a body moves with constant velocity along a rectilinear path, we say that its motion is uniform rectilinear. The word "uniform" indicates that the velocity value remains constant. We can find the distance traveled by an
Fungi With bacteria, they are important decomposers, as they feed on organic substances from dead leaves, corpses and waste, contributing to the recycling of matter. Although many species of fungi are parasites of plants and animals, others maintain ecological relationships of the mutualism type, that is, relationships in which there is an exchange of benefits between different species. General features Fungi are eukaryotes and, although there are unicellular forms, such as yeast, most are formed by a tangle of filaments, the hyphae, whose set is called mycelium. The cell wall is formed by chitin, a nitrogenous polysaccharide that also appears in the skeleton of arthropods; in some cases, there is also cellulose. Some fungi also have reproductive structures, the fruiting or fruiting bodies, which correspond to the visible part above the ground, called the mushroom. Nutrition and breathing Nutrition is heterotrophic by absorbing simple organic molecules, which may come from extracorpore